Autism is a complex neurological disorder that affects social functioning, communication, and behavior. It is estimated to affect as many as 1 in 43 children.
Fortunately, developmental differences can be detected in toddlers as young as one year. Progressive ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapy has proven to be extremely effective in successfully transforming the lives of affected children and their families, especially when applied early in toddlers' development.
For more info, please see below, or contact us now.
Early Signs of Autism
The Autism Center for Children specializes in infant-toddler diagnostic assessment and early intervention and autism treatment using progressive Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) with children diagnosed with autism. Our mission is to identify and treat autism at the earliest sign of developmental deviation to capitalize on early brain plasticity. See our services for more information on our assessment and treatment intake parameters.
If you are concerned about your child’s development or suspect autism, please call us at 678-996-4998 to schedule a diagnostic assessment. The earlier the child is diagnosed and treatment is started, the more immediate, profound and lasting improvements can be made to their quality of life (and to yours).
Awareness of the early signs of autism is important. Please visit:
Autism: Learn the Signs. Act Early. (CDC resource)
Another important local resource for early assessment and treatment services is:
Babies Can't Wait (GA Dpt of Public Health)
For those of you who have ever had any concerns about expertly delivered Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), here are the facts from our friends over at the Autism Partnership.
Autism Resources
These are up-to-date resources for Georgia parents and care-givers. Please review them for the latest information, or contact us for more information or to schedule an autism assessment or treatment.
See Autism Speaks' National and State Directory Listing for the Autism Center for Children in Woodstock, GA.